Commentary: Need To Understand Asia Without Western Bias
Professor Kishore Mahbubani brought up a pertinent question (How the Western media gets the Korean crisis wrong; May 13): Is the Singaporean mind Eastern or Western? Amid the sea change happening in...
View ArticleDamanhuri Bin Abas: Singaporeans Cannot Take Back CPF Likely Because Money...
People should be very very very angry about this. Why not!!! We are told we cannot take back our CPF when we all know now most likely it is because they can’t honour our money since many have...
View ArticleWorld’s Largest Muslim Youth Wing Calls For Re-Examination Of Islamic Text
JOMBANG, East Java, Indonesia: The world’s largest Muslim youth organisation Gerakan Pemuda Ansor (GP Ansor) – the youth wing of Indonesia’s largest Muslim organisation Nadlatul Ulama (NU) – on Monday...
View ArticleAbdul Rahman Mohamed: Hukum Membuat Dapur Kubur
Kemusykilan Rakyat Hukum Membuat Dapur Kubur dan Tanya MUIS Soalan Baru2 ini ada satu keluarga yg kematian ibunya, sebahgian adik beradik mahukan agar kubur ibunya itu dibina dapur seperti yg dilakukan...
View ArticleOsman Sulaiman: Opposition Party Leaders Should Not Curtail Freedom Of Speech
When I heard news that Lim Tean has resigned from NSP, I wasnt surprised of the reasons for his resignation. Curtailment of his freedom of speech is one of it. And we are talking about freedom of...
View ArticleAhmad Stokin: Usah Bertelagah Tentang Isu Halal/Haram Di Bazaar Ramadan, Ada...
Pd pandangan ambo masaalah “halal/haram” tu doh jadi masaalah individu. Dlm keadaan mcm ni kita bertelagah sesama sendiri pong tak guna ya tak. Pasai apo, silap nyo kito2 sendiri tak bersatu padu,tak...
View ArticleRishi Budhrani: Dismissing Shrey Bhagarva’s Point Only Proves Him Right
——– Producer: So Rishi, we wanna cast you in a comedy sketch about a modern-day entrepreneur. Me: Ok, interesting. Tell me more. P: So, the business idea is that he sells nuts. Me: Nuts? P: Yea, like...
View ArticleMohd Khair: Don’t Forget Essence Of Iftar, Iftar With Non-Muslims Is...
“Potluck Iftar” Someone shared this photo in one of the comments to a posting on my wall. We certainly applaud the move to encourage neighbourliness in the month of Ramadhan among residents regardless...
View ArticleGroup of 130 Imams Condemn London Bridge Attacks, Refuse To Perform Funeral...
A group of 130 imams and religious leaders have refused to perform the traditional Islamic funeral prayer for the London Bridge attackers. The leaders said they would not carry out the ritual that is...
View ArticleWant To Board A Child Friendly Grab Car That Every Parent Definitely...
after so many years i took grab,this is the first ever child friendly car that i hv ever encounter.. best service,nice clean car,polite lady.. thank you…u deserves good returns.. do share around.. she...
View ArticleFaris Abdat: Exclusivism Is Not Taught In Islam, Ignorance Is Cause For...
Nicholas Fang is the the executive director of the Singapore Institute of International Affairs. Yet when he speaks about the causes of terrorism and linking it with what he says is exclusivism in...
View ArticleReflections By Ustaz Mizi Wahid: Inspect Our Heart, Suspend Judgement, Renew...
Since the beginning of time, every person who has a mind of their own, has always had an opinion. The major difference now is that there are more platforms for people to express those opinions...
View ArticleOn Islamophobia In Singapore: Non-Muslims Must Acknowledge Issue, Educate...
My dear non-Muslims, saying that Islamophobia doesn’t exist in our country, is ironically similar to the Chinese claiming that racism and discrimination towards minority races doesn’t exist. Don’t tell...
View ArticleWhy Are The Malay/Muslims Attending The Annual Pink Dot?
The upcoming Pink Dot that celebrates the freedom to love for anyone regardless of their identity and sexual orientation, is scheduled to take place this Saturday, 1st July 2017 at 5 PM at Hong Lim...
View ArticleWhy Is The Malay Mainstream Media Keeping Mum About Pink Dot?
With the Pink Dot happening tomorrow, the Malay mainstream media is still not reporting anything on it. Silence on the issue does not translate to the Malay community being disinterested in the issue...
View ArticleMuslims Need To Call Out Hypocrisy of Saudi Elites
The image of Rihanna and the rich Saudi son of a billionaire Hassan Jameel exposes the hypocritical reality of the world we are living in today on several different levels. Firstly, If the roles were...
View ArticleDog-Friendly Muslims, Okay Or Not?
Recently, people have been going around debating as to whether Muslims can keep dogs as pets. This issue came about when a photo of a Muslim family and a video of a Muslim girl keeping dogs as pets....
View ArticleHow Malays Define Malayness? Well Truth Is Its Very Confusing And Inconsistent
So how does one define who is or isn’t Malay? Having actually researched this for my thesis for the past two years, please let me share with ya’ll SOME of what I’ve learned. How Malays define Malayness...
View ArticleMengapa Susah Nak Dapat Bantuan Dari Mendaki Atau MUIS?
Nak register anak masuk madrasah mingguan, registration fee satu pelajar berharga $110, 2 anak dah $220. Itu belum termasuk buku dan uniform. Pancit juga. Isteri bilang boleh minta subsidise dari...
View ArticleCommentary: Do Muslims Actually Want To Live In Homogeneous Society & Fence...
Sometimes I wonder, really wonder, whether some Muslims want to actually live in a homogeneous society and fence themselves up from everything that is not Islam or Islam enough. But then I see them...
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